Thank You!
Hello i'm writing this post to say Thank You for sticking with the blog. The blog has grone alot it useed to be a two page blog with two...
Five Five Star Revews
Hello I'm the head admin of this websight and i'm proud to anounse that we have Five Five Star revews!!!
Tom Harmer FTW
Tom Harmer FTW a fellow youtuber that has just under 140 subscribers. Today he anounsed for new serieys. There name's are not comfermed...
Top 10 Youtubeer's
1.IBallisticSquid 2.Ash Dubh 3.Stampylonghead 5.Tomo wawk 6.Pew d pie 7.Superchach 39 8.Choo Choo's Gaming 9.Snake Docter 10.BroomeyCraft
Stampy's Comment!
Today i was editing my websight and i gott a e-mail saing i had a comment from stampy saying he liked this websight. #stampy
Minecraft 2nd Part?
TU25 updait for Xbox 360 and PS3 was released a week ago and i have just sean a screen shot showing Rubey's, slime block, armer stand and...
Tom Harmer FTW Movie ???
Today Tom Harmer FTW released a movie poster he say's it is coming on the 25.12.15 we don't no whats happning in the movie.
Batman Vs Superman
The relese dait has bean relesed for more look below Belgium-23 March 2016 Spain-23 March 2016 France-23 March 2016 Argentina-24 March...
Was It Worth It? (Minecraft Update)
In the most resent for XBOX360 mojang intdused berch spruse and jungle fenses and dore's but was it worth it. I have played this updait...
Dumbledore Or Dumbledore
The origne actor that played dumbledor was Richard Harris but after two years he sadley died on the 1-october-2002. then in sted of...