About Tom's View
Hello and welcome to Tom's View on this sight you can fined out extra information from movies like Harry Potter. Also you will find interviews, Updait Warnings, up to dait news about this web sight.We Hope You Enjoy Our Sight.
Tom's View is a Tom Harmer Websight. Tom's View is a revew and blog sight where you can get the latest movie new's and game news. Tom Harmer himself crated this sight looking for the next big websight wilst on a brake from youtube. The 1st name of this sight was Harmer WorldWide then just 3 days after publishing the sight tom desided it was a bit to distent so he changed it to Tom Harmer Blog. reasntley after that tom put The in frount of the name to write The Tom Harmer Blog (He Never Liked That). So 4 houwers ofter that he changed it to Tom's View.
-Thomas Harmer-
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